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ANCOM: conditions and rules of communication through the new electronic service My ANCOM


The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications launches for public consultation the draft decision on the submission of documents through the electronic service My ANCOM. Via the new service developed by ANCOM, a new, electronic communication channel with the Authority is made available to the providers of electronic communications services, to the postal service providers, as well as to other categories of interested persons. Thus, ANCOM continues the process of digitalization of its activity in relation to all the stakeholders.

The draft decision establishes the categories of persons who will be able to use the service, as well as the conditions and rules for the carrying out of communication through My ANCOM.

When establishing these categories, ANCOM took into consideration the current legal provisions, as well as the functional relations of the Authority with public and private entities, without excluding in the future the completion of these categories, depending on the evolutions in the field and the communications needs identified by the Authority.

My ANCOM Service

My ANCOM is a virtual space where the documents and their history for each user are managed in view of carrying out the electronic communication with ANCOM.

Through My ANCOM, the Authority will transmit any documents, including information requests, decisions, other administrative acts, statements-of-facts on assessing the contravention and enforcing the sanction, acts of forced execution, replies to various requests or petitions, information, in original or in certified true copy of the original.

The functionalities of My ANCOM will allow at least: recording the uploading date and time of each document intended for transmission, storing each uploaded document intended for transmission for 3 years, informing the recipient by means of a message to an e-mail address indicated by him/her on ANCOM’s uploading of a document. Furthermore, once a document intended for transmission is uploaded, it is not possible to replace it, or to alter its content or the recorded uploading date and time.

According to the provisions in force, the implementation of My ANCOM does not impede the Authority to use other means of communication in its relationship with the beneficiaries.

Categories of beneficiaries of My ANCOM service

Pursuant to Law no.198/2022, the ex officio beneficiaries of My ANCOM service are the providers of public electronic communications networks, the providers of publicly available electronic communications services and the postal service providers to whom ANCOM will create accounts, without them having to submit a request in this regard.

In addition to ex officio beneficiaries, the draft decision proposes granting, upon request, the status of beneficiary of My ANCOM service to the following categories:

  • central or local public administration authorities;
  • network operators, as defined in Article 2 letter (b) of Law no. 159/2016 on the of physical infrastructure regime;
  • the providers of electronic hosting services with IP resources that have followed the information procedure provided by ANCOM Decision no.423/2023 on the obligations of certain providers of electronic communications hosting services with IP resources;
  • the persons referred to in Article 6 of ANCOM Decision no 70/2023 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services. For example, this category includes the persons intending to provide communications networks or services exclusively for their own needs, the persons intending to provide number-independent interpersonal communications services, local public authorities providing on their behalf, free of charge, electronic communications networks or services in public spaces located within the administrative territory of those administrative-territorial units.


Access to, conditions and rules of use of My ANCOM

The draft decision details the conditions on the ex officio access to My ANCOM for the beneficiaries, the access for the categories of persons requesting access based on a request, the ways for renouncing at My ANCOM service, as well as the consequences of giving up the use of this service, depending on the category of beneficiary to which the respective person belongs.

Furthermore, the draft decision establishes the conditions and the rules for the communication of documents by ANCOM through My ANCOM, as well as for the communication of documents, requests, data or information from beneficiaries to ANCOM.

My ANCOM service will be operational on the date the decision will enter into force when the procedures for communicating the access credentials to the beneficiaries to whom ANCOM will create ex officio access accounts will also start. Also, from the same date, the interested parties will be able to submit to the Authority requests for the creation of accounts on My ANCOM. The communication of documents through this service will begin within 2 months from the entry into force of the decision.  

The public consultation

The draft decision on the submission of documents through the electronic service My ANCOM is available for consultation, in Romanian, here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions by 24.04.2024, to the ANCOM headquarters (2 Delea Nouă Street, sector 3, Bucharest), via the Online Registry or through the Regional Divisions of the Authority. Comments can also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to