ANCOM Decisions for the implementation of Decree no. 195 of 16 March 2020 and the Decree no. 240 of 14 April 2020
According to the attributions incumbent on it pursuant to Art. 54 in Annex no. 1 "First emergency measures with direct applicability" to Decree no. 195 of March 16, 2020 regarding the establishment of the state of emergency on the territory of Romania, published in the Romanian Official Journal no. 212 of 16.03.2020, as well as Art. 91 in Annex no. 1 "First emergency measures with direct applicability" to Decree no. 240 of April 14, 2020 regarding the extension of the state of emergency on the territory of Romania, published in the Romanian Official Journal no. 311 of 14.04.2020, ANCOM implements all the requests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that fall within its competence, respectively the measures to prevent or limit access to the content of fake news on the evolution of COVID-19 and on protection and prevention measures.
The decisions concerning the hosting service providers, respectively the content service providers or the providers of publicly available electronic communications networks, aimed at restricting the users' access to such content, are communicated by posting them on the ANCOM website and, additionally, are transmitted to the respective providers by electronic communication means.
- Decisions on restricting the users’ access to certain websites are communicated to the providers of fixed and mobile electronic communications networks also through the application provided in the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 336/2013 on the means and manner of transmission of certain documents, data or information to the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, with the subsequent amendments and completions. These providers are asked to frequently check their email addresses connected to the application.
- ANCOM communicates the measures decided also through all the means of distance communication identified in the public environment (for example: fax, e-mail, telephone), therefore the hosting service providers and the content providers are asked to update their public contact information and to frequently check the means of communication available to them.

ANCOM Decision no. 539/14.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 269Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 538/14.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 312Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 537/14.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 280Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 536/14.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 129Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 535/14.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 806Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 523/06.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 1208Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 519/05.05.2020 (in Romanian) - 555Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 517/30.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 89Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 511/29.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 181Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 508/24.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 1321Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 506/23.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 430Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 505/23.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 1038Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 500/16.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 1018Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 499/16.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 378Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 498/16.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 336Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 495/14.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 985Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 485/10.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 791Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 482/07.04.2020 (in Romanian) - 205Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 454/26.03.2020 (in Romanian) - 751Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 453/26.03.2020 (in Romanian) - 218Kb
ANCOM Decision no. 431/20.03.2020 (in Romanian) - 254Kb