Postal services
At present, the provision of postal services is mainly regulated by Government Emergency Ordinance no.13/2013 on postal services, with subsequent amendments and completions, and by the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania no.925/2023 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services, published in the Romanian Official Journal, Part I, no. 1175/27.12.2023.
The ANCOM President’s Decision no. 925/2023 lays down the authorisation procedure for those who intend to provide postal services, as well as the conditions under which postal services providers benefit from the general authorisation regime. contains provisionsThe secondary legislation on the provision of postal services, i.e. Decision no.925/2023, is fully harmonised with the European legislation and with the primary legislation in the postal field, as well as with the legislation from areas related to ANCOM’s activity, under the conditions of a free competiive market.
Thus, the general authorisation regime allows the provision of postal services without the prior obtaining of an explicit decision from ANCOM. The submission of a simple notification to ANCOM on the intention to provide postal services suffices.
We recommend to all interested persons, and in particular to the postal service providers, as well as to the persons intending to provide postal services, to carefully read the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.13/2013, with the subsequent amendments and completions and of the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 925/2023, in order to clearly identify all the rights and obligations they have or will have in their relation with the users, the integrators, the other postal service providers and ANCOM.