Disputes between providers
The procedure for the resolution of the disputes between providers is optional and free of charge.
The adoption of the new legislative framework in the electronic communications sector, which transposes the community acquis on a national level, harmonises the Romanian legislation with the European policies in the field, with a view to providing the market with several alternatives for disputes settlement.
Thus, where litigation rises between the providers of electronic communications networks or services related to the obligations imposed by the primary or secondary legislation in the field, the interested party may notify ANCOM in order to solve the litigation.
The appeal to ANCOM for the resolution of the disputes within its competence is optional and free of charge.
The disputes between providers of electronic communications networks or services, which fall within the ANCOM competence, may be solved by means of the procedure described in Chapter II of the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 480/2010 on the establishment of the procedure for the resolution of disputes within the competence of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications.
Disputes submitted to ANCOM for settlement
Secondary legislation issued by ANCOM
Primary legislation in the communications field