The authorisation procedure for the providers
The authorisation procedure for gaining the right to provide postal services is free of charge.
Persons required to submit the notification to ANCOM
Any person intending to start an activity consisting of the provision of postal services, i.e. offering, reselling or providing postal services, has the obligation to submit to ANCOM a notification thereon, on the day of starting such activity at the latest.
Notification submission
The notification shall be made by filling in and sending to ANCOM the standard notification form (Annex 2 to ANCOM’s Decision no. 925/2023) and enclosing the necessary documents, as case requires, which are part of the notification.

Romanian applicants
If you are a Romanian person, you must attach to the standard notification form (Annex 2) the following documents:
- Documents issued by the competent authorities and public institutions allowing to identify the applicant, the headquarters (social or professional), as well as the unique registration code in a relevant register, which fulfill the formal and substantive requirements for validity (e.g. the registration certificate issued by the Trade Register, the fiscal registration certificate, as well as the certificate of registration in the Register of Associations and Foundations or in the Register of Federations, as applicable etc.);
- Copy of the proof of the capacity as a representative of the applicant for the person signing the standard notification form (e.g. the constitutive act, with all the subsequent amendments and completions) or a copy of the identity act of the applicant-authorised natural person or of the holder of the individual enterprise;
- Copy of the general conditions regarding the provisions of postal services.
Nevertheless, if you are registered in the Trade Register, you are not bound by the obligation to attach the documents referred to in letters a) and b), except for particular situations, such as when the notification /information is signed by a distinct person from the legal representative of the entity recorded in the appropriate register, in which case it is necessary to send to ANCOM the documents meant to attest the data entered in the standard notification form.

Foreign applicants
• If you are a foreign person with the main headquarters in the Member States of the European Union or of the European Economic Area, or if you are a foreign person with headquarters in a third state, established in Romania, the above provisions set out in letters a) to c) shall apply to you, corresponding to the Romanian applicants.
If you intend to provide postal services on the territory of Romania via a working point without legal personality (i.e. a branch), in addition to the standard notification form (Annex 2) and to the documents relating to the secondary headquarters specified in the letters a) and b) above, you must also attach the documents required to identify the parent-company and their authorised translation.
• If you are a foreign person with headquarters in the Member States of the European Union or of the European Economic Area but you are not established in Romania, you must attach to the standard notification form (Annex 2) the following documents:
- the documents equivalent to those provided in letters a) and b) above, issued in accordance with the legislation of the origin Member State, as they case may be, in copy:
- the general conditions regarding the provision of postal services, in copy;
- the authorised translation in Romanian of the documents referred to in point I and II.
All documents in a foreign language sent to ANCOM must be accompanied by a translation into Romanian made by an authorised translator. This requirement does not apply to the documents mentioned at letters a) and b) above which are issued in English or translated into English by a person authorised to do so.

The general conditions regarding the provision of postal services you establish will stand for the general clauses of the contract you will conclude with the sender, and they have a special importance given that users’ protection is one of the objectives pursued by ANCOM. The general conditions regarding the provision of postal services encompass the content provided for in the General authorisation regime for the provision of postal services, Annex 1 to ANCOM President’s Decision no.925/2023.

Submission of the notification to ANCOM
Any document relating to the general authorisation may be sent only to the electronic mail address autorizare@ancom.ro.
The standard notification form (Annex 2 ) must be signed in advance by the applicant’s/provider’s representative, using an extended electronic signature, based upon a qualified certificate not suspended or revoked at that time and generated using a secure electronic signature creation device.
Documents which, according to Decision no. 925/2023, are valid in copy, may be previously signed by hand or/and scanned, in order to be transmitted to ANCOM.
The notification completion
The notification is deemed completed only if all the legal requirements related to submission, form and content are met.
You do NOT have the right to provide postal services until the notification is completed!
Legal effects of the notification
If you have done the notification pursuant to the legal provisions, you are considered a provider of postal services for the types of services specified in the notification, gaining the specific rights and obligations set under the general authorisation regime, from the date indicated in the standard notification form as the estimated date for starting the provision of the respective types of services, but not earlier than the date when the notification is submitted.
Gaining the right to provide a certain type of postal service does NOT entail gaining the right to provide another type of postal service.
Gaining the right to provide a certain type of postal service on the territory of Romania does NOT entail gaining the right to provide the respective services on the territory of another state.
The information regarding the staff - served fixed access points by , staff-served fixed contact points or other structures belonging to the postal network, respectively the automated collection or delivery systems belonging to the provider’s postal network, must be sent to ANCOM in accordance with the provisions of ANCOM President’s Decision no. 336/2013, via the following link https://statistica.ancom.ro/sscpds/raporteaza.
Changes of data in the notification and their submission to ANCOM
• Any modification of the data included in the notification must be communicated to ANCOM within 15 working days from the date of its occurrence, respectively, where applicable, from the date of its registration with the competent institutions, by means of a simple notification accompanied by the justifying documents, as the case may be.
• When the modification concerns the provision of other types of postal services, in addition to the ones indicated in the previous notification, or the estimated starting date of provision, a new notification shall be made at the latest on the day of beginning the provision.
• Any modification of the information on the staff-served fixed access points , the staff-served fixed contact points or other structures belonging to the postal network, respectively the automated collection or delivery systems belonging to the provider’s postal network, shall be sent to ANCOM in accordance with the provisions of ANCOM President’s Decision no. 336/2013, at the latest at the moment of its occurrence of from the date of the actual operation of the respective elements composing the postal network, as the case may be, via the following link https://statistica.ancom.ro/sscpds/raporteaza.